Now, assuming you’re inventing a product and your idea is a good one, here’s the very first thing you should do – Get a logbook. You can buy a copybook (as long as it’s not the loose-leaf type). Since this will be used for permanent documentation and record keeping, it’s important to use a book where pages can’t be added.
At the very beginning of inventing a product make certain you date and sign everything you do. Plus, have one or more witnesses sign changes or additions as you go along. I know, all this record keeping might be a pain at times, but believe me, it can save you a lot of grief later on.
You see, the patent office has no way of knowing if you were the first to come up with an idea, which is called “first to invent”. Therefore, you’ll need to record the details of the evolution of your new invention from the very first moment, and any results from any and all testing you’ve conducted – This mainly applies to the United States. Hiring a patent agency, like Invent Help, to help you out is also an option.
By keeping a good and accurate log book, you can better substantiate your “first to invent” claim.
Note: There is a point where by you’ll incur cost but by the time you do (if you follow the proper sequence of events) you will have, for the most part, demonstrated that your new invention idea has the potential to warrant the time and cost.
The second thing you should do with a new idea is… Know what the proper sequence of inventing a product is. If you do not, you’ll spend a lot of time and money unnecessarily. For example:
If you pay for a patent search before you find out if your new invention is marketable, you run the risk of wasting your time and money if later on you find your idea its not marketable.
The third thing you should do with a new idea is… Make a sketch and write a description of you new invention. Describe what it is, how it works, its overall size, what you think it should look like etc.
Make a free-hand drawing showing the dimensions of the top, bottom and side views. Also, make a rough artist perspective sketch to give it a three dimensional form. That way, it’ll be easier for others to understand your new invention. As you can see, the process is not that simple and if you are just starting out as an inventor you should have a professional by your side who can guide you.