When creating great content for your website, you will want to brainstorm ideas first. Brainstorming is a very powerful tool that you should never over look. Do not worry about writing paragraphs or executing anything at this point. You simply need to think of your ideas first, either on paper or type them up. Some people have a hard time doing this or do not even know where to start. Today I will give you some ideas on how and where you can brainstorm.
Brainstorming With A Group
Two heads are better then one. You have heard that phrase before and it holds true when brainstorming. if your website is used by several agents, then why not sit down with them and have a weekly or monthly meeting regarding new content for the site. They need to understand that the website will prosper more with their help and ideas. You might even find people willing to help write the content for the website. They need to understand the importance and the power of the internet in today’s real estate market. People want to see homes on their time, not yours.
Brainstorming By Yourself
If the website belongs to you and the leads do not go to anyone else, then you need to come up with the ideas on your own. Pick a quiet spot, a quiet atmosphere is very helpful for brainstorming new topics for your website. No distractions, no noise, no phones, just you and your thoughts.
Ideas To Help You Think Of New Topics
This seems to be the hard part for many people when it comes to writing content for their real estate website. What do I write about? Topic ideas are all around, you just never spotted them because you did not know what to look for. Let’s use this billboard as an example, you are driving to show a house and you see this. What comes to your mind?
Here are some things that some of you might have said:
What kind of billboard is that.
That’s neat, a solar powered billboard.
I wonder how much power that billboard actually makes.
Who knows, I was to busy on the phone and did not even see it.
Now for someone who is thinking of new topics for their real estate website, they might have come up with these ideas:
How to save money on your energy bill in your new home.
How to conserve energy with proper window treatments.
Why use solar power to heat your new pool.
Add value when selling your home, use solar panels.
New appliances not only add value to your home, but save you money on your power bill.
When you show a house and are looking around with the potential buyer, think of the questions they are asking you. How many different topics can you think of at the end of the showing? Those are the best due to the fact they are questions from a buyers standpoint that you can easily answer on your real estate website.
Look at the house you were just in and see what improvements the seller could do to increase the value of the home. You can come up with dozens of topics for home owner improvements to increase the retail value of their current home. Those alone have the potential to draw a lot of traffic to your website as well as the search engines who always love fresh content on a website. However, you’ll need a good looking website and easy to use/browse listings on your real estate site as well. Especially today in 2021, if you don’t have a modern website your visitors will hit the back button almost instantly. Fortunately there are a lot of real estate templates and plugins such as the iHomefinder plugin for which you can read the review at https://www.themadeinamericamovement.com/ihomefinder/, that will enhance the look and the feel of your site and in return you’ll get much more returning visitors.